Brown and Keener has continued to work with Hammonton on creating a Form-Based Code for the downtown Hammonton area. The planners and designers have spent a lot of time observing, talking to a wide array of people, studying our buildings, sidewalks, streetscapes, economics, and range of businesses. They have determined the strengths of Hammonton - a wide range of building styles, a clear town center, and community support for retaining the character of downtown. We also have a second, strong commercial corridor along the White Horse Pike. Both would be the envy of many communities, and both position us well for future development if it is well-planned and monitored. One of the additions that is needed is a better integration and connection of our two business districts, ensuring that appropriate businesses are encouraged in each area and enhancing opportunities for people to move between them.
In the meantime, Brown & Keener is also moving forward with a Downtown Area Plan, a proposed amendment to the Land Use Element of the Master Plan. This document will serve as the basis for the Form-Based Code.